This "Limbo Blog" will hopefully contain moments of the undeniably funny. Which, if I'm lucky, will be awesome.
Warning: Some material found here may be offensive to some readers. Especially those with morals of any kind. So please read at your own risk. The content is in no way condoned, shared with or express the same views and/or thoughts of the author. Except a couple.
The Essence Of Awesome. A place for all pseudo-intellectuals everywear.

Monday, May 15, 2006

**Forever Young.**

Here is a transcript of a live taping of the hit show "Happy Fun Time Party Jam" on the Dang Huu network.

Hello and welcome to another broadcast of Happy Fun Time Party Jam, where the fun never stops not happening. O and look our first call....5 seconds into the program, alright.

"Hello, O hey Bill". Guess what, on the phone with us right now is my boss Billard Wilkins. "Hm, what’s that Bill? what....what would make you ask that silly question. What, no I just don't know anyone who asks those kind of anyone. No sir, I’m not playing dumb with you. What! Isn't your daughter only like 17 or something. 10. O. well, either way she’s still pretty young. NO. C’mon that’s just crazy! Well yeah. That is a pretty good point. Now c'mon, are you really gonna believe what that douche says? O NO. Yeah, I can't really remember what happened to be honest with you. There may have been alcohol there, but who really know. amirite. No I don't know. You can talk about this all day but the fact of the matter is, I did nothing with her and I think you know that. Look Mr. Wilkins, I'm really busy, I gotta go." Sonofabit...."No honey that wasn't your father, now just go back to bed. I'll be there in a minute". O stop crying.

"Um.... Mr. Jellycircus, I've got to admit, that gave me a slight chuckle but, it made me feel really uncomfortable and I don't feel very good after reading it. What did you do to me?" What did I do to you, you ask. How am I suppose to know, I'm not a doctor with some type of fake degree acquired from an unregistered overseas school in Russia because I don't even speak Russian. And to all you critics with your morals and values who say that "this is immoral" and "these aren't very good values". All I have to say is.... I can do worse.