This "Limbo Blog" will hopefully contain moments of the undeniably funny. Which, if I'm lucky, will be awesome.
Warning: Some material found here may be offensive to some readers. Especially those with morals of any kind. So please read at your own risk. The content is in no way condoned, shared with or express the same views and/or thoughts of the author. Except a couple.
The Essence Of Awesome. A place for all pseudo-intellectuals everywear.

Monday, December 25, 2006

“Oh My God, You Are So Funny.”

“Have you ever thought of becoming a professional comedian? Oh Yeah, that’s right, you’re the all powerful god and overseer of the human race. Hey, just a thought, but have you ever thought of maybe a career change of some sort, I mean because you have been at this whole “God” thing for awhile now.”

The question has been asked since the dawn of man. Or maybe it was the dusk of man. Scientists haven’t been able to figure that one out yet. That question being whether or not God has a sense of humor. For the sake of this discussion, lets just all assume that I’m referring to the “real one”. You know, Christianities. Because I do not have the time or religious patience to take into account all those “other ones”. And don’t even get me started on Hinduism.

God not being an actual human, one could make the assumption that He doesn’t share the same emotion, a funny bone if you will, as us humans. Others could make a counter argument of sorts that since man was created in his image that he would in fact have it. The fact that laughter itself doesn’t really serve a purpose could also mean something. Maybe we just don’t understand yet it’s true purpose because it’s an other worldly or even Godly expression. Some would say though that my unwavering devotion to the Man down under would have an affect on how I perceive this. But that’s something I would rather not dwell upon. I myself like to believe that He does in fact have a “Sense of Humor”. Only that his is far superior then ours. I like to think that His is an enhanced version of British humor.

But hey, what do I know right? It’s not like my father, THE Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, created the greatest religion known to modern man or anything. I don’t know about you, but if the greatest America actor of all time says that it’s the best religion well then gosh darned it, it’s the best and you would do well to remember that. Granted, I’m not 100% positive what the repercussions would be if you didn’t agree. I guess a really horrible movie.

Since this world is one of his creations then one would think that some signs of his humor would be apparent and you would be right. Like the duckbill platypus for example. To be able to even consciously allow such a thing to exist has to be evidence of some sick humor.

Seriously. That's just silly.

Many may not know this but the predecessor of the platypus was the Dodo bird, but that joke was starting to get stale so it ended. So alike the sitcom, He took the same formula, a ridiculously useless creature that looks like complete shite and something that not even a connoisseur of animal pelts would want, and tweaked a little. If anyone wants to do their homework, then they would find that the first known sighting of a platypus was after the Dodo bird was confirmed extinct and if any one has ever happened to see a Dodo after that point then chances are it was a fake.

There are much more subtle things then a funny looking animal, that’s a great substitute for turkey, to prove His humor. For example, have you ever witnessed a car accident and not giggled?
Let’s give it a try.

Hahahaha, sorry I lost if there for a minute.

Anyways, have you also ever stopped and thought about how weird and somewhat comical a coincidence is? See, isn’t that weird? Take some time to ponder events in your life and you’re bound to remember something that has happened to you that you really had no control over but made you laugh. Like a really unfortunate turn of events or something. Like being mugged on your way to a job interview that could have been your potential career. Something that was so God awful that you couldn’t help but laugh at the situation, after you got done crying of coarse.

Without all of the deaths, natural disasters are the best closer. Not because of how much damage is being done to one place leaving that area in complete shambles, physically and economically. But because of all the irony that surrounds it. That's why I always shake my head to the people that don't understand how "He could let this happen". Because he was bored and wanted to have a little fun. I know the first time you hear that, it sounds like an awful thing to think or even say, but you have to look at it from his point of view. And when you do figure out what his point of view is could you do me a favor and tell me? Thanks.

To get to the real bottom of this, I decided to ask someone who would know the best, and so I asked His son, Jesus at his help column/blog.

I was wondering if your father, God, has a sense of humor? I just can't imagine such.....wonderful guy not having one. If you'd rather not go into moments or events that weren't worth remembering, then I can understand.


Dearest Mike,

My dad actually does have a pretty good sense of humor - especially when he's been into the scotch. Ever hear of a little group called the Southern Baptists? Yep. One of his favorite drunken pranks.

My Love (and scotch),

If any of you would like to check the validity of this, be my guest. No really, see for yourself.

It seems that he said it pretty well. If you still don't believe that He does have a sense of humor though then all I can hope for your sake, is that hopefully Satan has a sense of humor that doesn't involve torture.

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