This "Limbo Blog" will hopefully contain moments of the undeniably funny. Which, if I'm lucky, will be awesome.
Warning: Some material found here may be offensive to some readers. Especially those with morals of any kind. So please read at your own risk. The content is in no way condoned, shared with or express the same views and/or thoughts of the author. Except a couple.
The Essence Of Awesome. A place for all pseudo-intellectuals everywear.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

America's Dead.

Lately, I've had something that's been on my mind and since I have a blog I figured this would be the best place to express that idea. At least I’m hoping that this is the case.

Why is America so obsessed with death?

No; now hear me out. We are allowed by law to go out and kill and be killed before we are allowed to get slaphappy drunk. I understand that sounds a little like complaining, but believe me it isn't. I'm just trying to point out that before we're allowed to partay we can legally kill someone anyway we see fit, but only if they’re a “threat to our security”. I don't know why, but I find that interesting.

The entire history of America and all of its morals are based on the death and sacrifices of our "fore fathers", not to mention all the deaths of our fore fathers enemies.
For goodness sake, easily more than half of this country has their very own death penalty. Not a fact, just assuming.

Let’s not forget our strange attraction with violence. I'm going to bet you all, that if you were to turn on your televisions right now or get on the internet at this very moment, you are guaranteed to see some senseless act of violence being committed. Some of it though may not be "evil", but last time I checked kicking someone in the face while in a ring with people screaming and for some reason cheering all around you is still considered violence no matter how many people call it a “sport”.
(Warning. You may want to turn your sound off/down for this)

This happenes to bring up another good point. Dieing is also considered a form of entertainment for some. Take, for instance, any piece of horror (fiction), be it a movie, book or game. There is even an entire subgenre of metal completely devoted to dieing. Try and guess what the name of it is. If you guessed death metal then you are right. Leave it to the metalheads to come up with such an original name. If any of you would like to hear your self some of that, you can go on over to the Download Full Metal Albums blog. There’s guaranteed, not by the blogger mind you, to be something there to peek your fancy.

But maybe this isn't just another example as to why America may not be as great of a country as people say. Maybe death and everything involved with it like war and what not, is just part of human nature. I don’t know all about that and I sure as heck am not going to begin some philosophical reflection on the subject. Not because I can't, but more that I would end up sounding like some 17 year old that is just now figuring this all out to exist, and I don't want that.
But hey, don't let my lack of understanding stop you from continuing on with this, because it sure is a dandy of one and I would hate to see it go to waste.

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